usage of social media among students pdf

There are a few studies that have explored the relationships between PSMU, personality traits, and mental health. college students use of social media. Figure 3. research studies have focused on social media use including Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. Most people engage with social media without stopping to think what the effects are on our lives, whether positive or negative. adopted to minimise improper use of social media by secondary school students in Moshi Municipality, Tanzania. reason for the use of social networks among university students is a matter of curiosity. the-impact-of-social-media-use-on-academic-performance-among-university-students-pdf 10/40 Downloaded from on June 13, 2022 by guest readable. [1] Keywords Social media, students, learning efficiency 1. Most students use social media to create a personal profile, post However, there is scarcity of information related to usage duration, usage purpose of different social media, and prevalence rates of the risk of And it's an essential read."

This study aimed to identify the level and causes of Internet use among Form 4 school students in the city of Johor Bahru. INTRODUCTION The definition of social media is the relationships that exist between network disclosure of the patients identity among social media viewers familiar with the healthcare facility [8]. Findings on Student Use of Social Media at the Collegiate, Undergraduate, and Graduate Levels: Implications for Post-Secondary Educators Current research in the use of social media in the 3) of the students used social media for academic Keywords: social media, student academiclife, higher education. The current study is conducted to monitor the impact of social media on youth. The use of the social media among the youths of today is growing exponentially and gaining more and more popularity among students. The paper aims to identify the benefits students derive from social media.

3. Among Teenagers: A Study of Face-book Use in Dhaka City S.M. 41.5% of students used social media for upto 3 h per day. because; social media can be used for different aspects of academics. The purpose of this study is to determine the association between social media use, depression and the academic performance among college students.

Social media which is an important product of Computer and Internet Technologies has a growing usage level day by day. Maweu, G. and Yudah, O. For the collection of the data, a Descriptive Information The use of social media among students has reached high levels and has affected their study time, poor grammar and wrong spellings when socializing on social media as well as diverting misuse of social media among students in the society, most of the students were interested to use social media positively for their educations. Furthermore, the study also sought to The sample comprised 1008 undergraduate students, aged between 17 and 32 years (M=20.49, Almost half of the students (48.5%) are connected with social media. 32.3% students use Facebook to send message from someone and 21% refresh themselves through Facebook news feed. 38.1% students use phone for watching video in YouTube. The present study was an attempt to evaluate the use of the Internet and changing communication patterns because of social media among university students. This situation can create an opportunity for social media followers to discern the The study used the convergent parallel design and correlation design. The above table indicates the gender base usage of social media. Increasing social (62%), Twitter (25%), LinkedIn (21%), Google Plus This study consists of a descriptive analysis of responses from 250 respondents among students of International Islamic University Malaysia. In 2005, 8% of men and 6% of women used social media. The intensification of the use of social media among tertiary students has no doubt affected their reading culture negatively. Researches indicate that social networking networks are being used by various age groups, but Problematic social media use. The study is a cross-sectional, correlational type. Nowadays, professors encourage their students to use social media to either be kept up to date with things that are leadership to determine if a social media account is necessary and beneficial for your communications strategy. Social media which is an important product of Computer and Internet Technologies has a growing usage level day by day. The findings of the study acknowledge the rampant usage of SNS among young college students in India. In general, we have asked the respondents if they support the use of social media during the time lecture One definition of social media is that of a web-based service that allows individuals to: construct a public or semi In Pakistan, political parties and individual politicians (Karamat & Farooq, 2016). This can be the case, in which, the student lives and has social media friends within the community where the clinical site is located. This study examines the influence of virtual acculturation on travel destination choice among international students, where social media serves as an agent. research studies have focused on social media use including Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. In this study, only 1% ( Fig. To shed light upon this topic, we conduct a study to identify the activities using social media sites that facilitate students Their Introduction. This study was performed amongst 328 students, of whom 61% were female, and 39% were male. The use of social media, particularly the Facebook among the youth in the contemporary era is inevitably predominant, given the scientific and technological invention that led to the fast growth of smart phones. For the purpose of this survey, social media was defined as Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Twitter, MySpace or LinkedIn (Martin, 2008). INTRODUCTION: social media (SM) has become an increasingly popular leisure activity over the last decade with excessively use. The results show that the most commonly used social media among the students participating in questionnaire is Youtube, and Facebook follows it in the second

1) To find out the degree of exposure to social media usage among IIUM students; 2) To determine the level of perception, attitude, and behavior towards social media usage among A majority of Americans say they use YouTube and Facebook, while use of Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok is especially common among adults under 30. social media can assist in writing skills among pupils as one of the methods for them to learn how to write well in English.

Negative effects of the use of social media on students are violation of privacy (53,57%), alienation of people (51,79%) and waste of time (33,93%) as shown in Figure 7. Starting in 2009, women started using social media at slightly higher rates than men, although this balance has shrunk yet again in The first two social media sites were Six degrees and Problematic social media use (PSMU) has received increasing attention among mental health professionals. [5,23] focused on how social media use and usefulness in teaching accorded with theoretical educational reasons for the use of social media in learning (see below). High School Students Social Media Usage Habits. Al-Jubayer University of Dhaka Despite the plethora of research on teenagers and the use of social networking sites, little is known about this issue in the Bangladesh teenagers. The use of the social media among the youths of today is growing exponentially and gaining more and more popularity among students. The essence of this research work is to primarily study the Influence of social media on the academic performance of students. On one hand, Nigeria education-alists hope that e-learning will provide a pathway to education for students who are unable to access higher education; on the other, it is a necessary enhancement for the country to become more The objective of this study was to find a correlation between academic performance and social media use. The use of information technology in social media has increased its popularity among the youth, especially among the students of universities. Despite the widespread prevalence of social media use and smart phones within Irish universities, we have not had until now rigorous data examining the extent and levels of usage among university students. This work particularly examined the use of social media among This will reduce cost and avoid complexity that may arise as a result of having a very large population. For this reason, it is considered as important to explore the purpose of using the use of social media for teaching and learning purpose [29]. Social media is a popular trend today, especially among college students.

The study adopted Banduras Social Learning Theory and Katzs User Gratification Theory to inform both the methodology and analysis. ), and web applications, among others. The use of social media among millennials is not only popular in the developed world but also in developing coun-tries. asserted that as social media such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter gaining popularity, they are increasingly becoming dangerous as they create modes for students to procrastinate their reading and other projects. Main Findings: Findings revealed that the use of social media, WhatsApp, among the undergraduate students of the UIN Ar-Raniry' English Language Education Program, shows a Furthermore, social media usage was expected to be inversely proportional to sleep duration and positively related to daytime sleepiness. Many students get addicted to the use of Owusu There has been debate on the offline or traditional political participation of social media users being 1. The social network, which is one of the key indicators of the technology era, attracts all levels while virtual worlds over real life through the applications it offers. The Impact of Social Media Usage and Addiction among Student THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE AND ADDICTION AMONG STUDENT Siti Maheran Mohd Faudzi Keywords: Social The age average of participant students of the research is 22. And it's an College students have great interest in social media. 7.Negative effects of the use of social media on students Finally, students do not use social media for the following reasons in decreasing The study adopted Banduras Social Learning Theory and Katzs User that social media is widely used by students of higher institution and that participant are in support of the idea that social media contribute a significant quota to the development of their academic that is used to communicate among students followed by Twitter then other social networks e. g. LinkedIn, Instagram and What's up then the Facebook. Although, providing a detailed perspective on social media use among university students and underscoring that such use can produce both positive and negative consequences, according to Recent studies suggest that users preferences of social media use differ according to their individual differences and use motives, and that these factors can lead to problematic social media use (PSMU) among a minority of users. The study was also undertaken to determine how much time students actively use social media and if there has been an increase or decrease in usage over time. Social media usage is particularly high among young adults and college students because students embrace new media quickly (Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, & Zickuhr, 2010). (iii) demographics, personality, popular social media sites, and social media use motives on PSMU. Data This site Social media has embedded a negative image upon many minds however it is also perceived as a pathway to develop vital knowledge and social skills among students beyond Their usage pattern of SNS, hours spending per week, gender differentiation in its usage, purpose of membership, their level of intimate relationships with online friends and among 500 students in various colleges and universities throughout India. Cyberspace Technology Task Force and has initiated discussion on the use of social media during the ongoing revision of the 2005 ACA Code of Ethics. NetFlix, Hulu, Yahoo, etc. In Nigeria, like many developing countries, Social media have become an important part of a national effort to improve public education. Creating a social media account requires approval of your local Specifically, the study aims to determine: 1. the social media use of college students in terms of The objectives of the present study were to investigate the influences of (i) demographics and Big Five personality dimensions on social

Researches indicate that social networking networks are being used by various age groups, but one of the most used groups is university students (Miller and Melton, 2015). I. I. ntroduction . of social media on college students and their goals of higher education, exploring both the pros and cons of keeping up online. Although they are not always clearly distinguished in the literature, the interactivity associated with social media should be differentiated from more generalized forms of online user engagement.

4.7 RQ4: What are the risks that come with use of social media among the youths in Kenya .63 What are their use in the lives of the University students and their implications on their behavior. Fig. (2020) Utilization of Social Media Platforms among Information Science Students at University of Kabianga. Conclusions: A majority of the participants reported prolonged use of social networking sites for nonacademic purposes. The study was conducted with 1,274 students receiving education in a district located in the western region of Turkey. Whatsapp (98.25%) and Youtube (91.75%) were the most commonly used social media applications. Abstract The purpose of this research was to analyze the roles of social media on students academic achievement. Most Famous The laws governing social media are changing and evolving as rapidly as the changes in technology that create the social media outlets. This growth make it very popular for the communication amongst university students especially Tabuk university students. In fact, these social websites can be a good manner to exchange the information between students and even with their teachers. The three cases explain how the interaction of teenagers using social media. Social media addiction is often associated with negative effects. The main purpose of this study was to investigate if there was a difference in social media usage and its effect on academic performance based on gender. Our study examined the impact of social media usage on University of Sharjah undergraduate students. Finally, 68% of them attributed their delayed bedtime to social media use, and 59% of them reported that social media had affected their social interactions. Many Open Access Library Journal, 7, 1-11. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1106090 . Usage of social media; Social networking; Learning process . the students use of social media and its relationship to their academic performance and technology ethics decisions. adopted to minimise improper use of social media by secondary school students in Moshi Municipality, Tanzania. For the purpose of this survey, social media was defined as Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Twitter, MySpace or LinkedIn (Martin, 2008). This is contributedby the increased percentage of internet penetration in the conducted to investigate Malaysian university students usage of social media, Hamat et al. The term social media is used somewhat loosely to describe an array of new Web 2.0 platforms. Based on the literature reviewed on social media use among tertiary students, we expected that a signicant number of tertiary students would use electronic media devices at bedtime to access SNS. Instead of spending their free time on fun in social media activities, students should use social media platforms for academic purposes or to search for new information and gain more knowledge to improve their academic performance. the-impact-of-social-media-use-on-academic-performance-among-university-students-pdf 10/40 Downloaded from on June 13, 2022 by guest readable. that social media is widely used by students of higher institution and that participant are in support of the idea that social media contribute a significant quota to the development of their academic life. The findings of the study acknowledge the rampant usage of SNS among young college students in India. The increasing trend of using social media is closely connected to the tourism context. This study examines grade differences among students at small, liberal arts college based on social media usage. This study intends to contribute to the research in this area by examining the relationship

Although the use of Facebook-social networking brings quite a lot of benefits to the university students, it also Recent trends show that social media usage has increased. Fig. As in today's world of information technology, university students spend most of their time on the Internet, it has become simpler to gather information about any individual or topic. [4] Although, providing a detailed perspective on social media use among university students and underscoring that such use can The need for interaction that arose given the social distancing imposed on people by governments during the COVID-19 has increased the use of social media (SM). Especially young people show high 2.1 Use of Online Learning through Social Media Students nowadays can be described To better understand Americans use of social media, online platforms and messaging apps, Pew Research Center surveyed 1,502 U.S. adults from Jan. 25 to Feb. 8, 2021, by cellphone and landline phone. ative impact of social media on students academic performances such as; moderating their access to social me-dia sites, reducing the amount of time spent on social network sites. Zahid, et al (2016) did a study to determine the effect of growing use of social media sites on the academic per-formance of the students of universities and colleges. This study intends to contribute to the research in this area by examining the relationship between the usage of social media and self-esteem, and social media use and satisfaction with life among university students in the United States. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of social media addiction with sleep quality and psychological problems in high school students. rated on 5-point scale. Another paper that explored the use of the Internet was a study conducted by the study of social media addiction among Form 4 students in Johor Bahru city. an attempt to study the impact on academic performance from the use of social media of the university students. Among the 100 students 62% Regarding the most favorite social media platform, first comes Facebook with the devastating 80,56%, followed by Twitter (8,93%), and Myspace (5,36%), as shown in Figure 3. Most The objective of the study was to assess SM addiction among Moroccan university students and al., 2012; Irwin et al., 2012). media as being part of a much larger continuum, the real history of social media starts in the 1970s with the emergence of the internet. High School Students Social Media Usage Habits. The use of social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube is a prevalent phenomenon among Nigerian university students. Globally, According to the data males are more interested in using the social media specially Facebook. The research intends to focus on students of the University of Abuja for easy analysis of data. The definition of social media is fluid and rapidly changing with the variety of sites available. Handling various issues in social media lies in the person of using social media properly from the Islamic perspectives. creation of social media networks, the Internet has become the most popular tool for teens and young adults. The results show social media platforms. 36 Journal of International Social Issues The importance of Facebook is increasing for communicative purposes among adults, but teenagers are the most frequent users. Out of the 270 respondents, 40% of the : The use of social media has raised concern on users ability to behave ethically in cyberspace. Virtual acculturation, which shows the degree of people adapting to different cultures virtually via social media before visiting the place physically. Malaysia is ranked among the highest users of social media in the Asia Pacific region - (Go globe, 2015). This report provides a comprehensive snapshot of social media use and the type of content undergraduate students are accessing. The next section explain more on the use of social media and its benefit. As of October 2011, one of the most well-known social media sites is Facebook (Facebook, 2011).

reason for the use of social networks among university students is a matter of curiosity. On their research on the impact of social network on youth they found out that 95% who are members in one or more social media spend varying amount of time from less than an hour to five hours every day in social media. Social media use reduces the amount of time that students spend on academic activities. Currently there is a lack of law adolescent social media users with an average social media usage of 7-10 hours per day. Results Our search yielded 44 articles with four leading themes; marked rise in the use of social media by healthcare professionals and students, negative impact of

This paper examines College students have great interest in social media. a) Background of the Study terms of the usage and effect of social media, results found that a significant number of university students owned more than three social media accounts and spent between three to five hours Social media platforms are preferred by university students as a means for knowledge sharing. To date, there is no consensus among researchers regarding the definition of problematic social media use due to the conceptual confusion surrounding the classification of problematic internet use [15, 16].Negative outcomes triggered by the excessive use of social media may have a detrimental effect on the personal, social, and/or Description is given offline political engagement due to the use of social media for political expression. The participants of the study are 170 students from different departments at the Near East University. It is also to measure to what extent social media helps pupils to write The positive impacts of social media among used by undergraduates, include WhatsApp (97%), Facebook (85%), Instagram (65%), YouTube. Increasing social media usage level gives opportunity for new software developments and making investments in this area. Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, and Zickuhr (2010) found that 72% of all college students have a social media profile with 45% of college students using a social media site at least once a day. Likewise, Vaccari et al.14 and Zhang and Lin15 also found that use of social media for political expression boosted the political engagement.

Instagram. among 500 students in various colleges and universities throughout India. The aim of this study is to determine the purpose of students social media use and also to determine their perspectives on education. University students are a particularly vulnerable group to SM addiction. The use of students for the social media during the lecture for academic purpose. [4]